Candace Owens Spars With Rep. Ted Lieu Over Edited Video Stunt

TPUSA’s Director of Communications was infuriated by the misrepresentation.

  • On Tuesday, Turning Point USA’s Candace Owens sat before the Judiciary Committee to testify at the hearing on Hate Crimes and the Rise of White Nationalism.
  • (D) Rep. Ted Lieu of CA during his 5:00 time stated “…I don’t know Mrs. Owens. I’m not going to characterize her. I’m going to let her own words do the talking…
  • He went on to showcase a selectively edited video of Candace in which he claims Owens herself was talking about Adolf Hitler in a favorable way. He tweeted about it too in a response to Dave Rubin.

“…He (Ted Lieu) is assuming black people won’t go pursue the full two hour clip. He purposely extracted the clip and you didn’t hear the question that was asked of me. He’s trying to present as if I was launching a defense of Hitler…”

Candace Owens
  • (R) Rep. Guy Reschenthaler of PA yielded back his time to give Owens a chance to respond to Lieu.
  • Candace went on Twitter later to discuss Rep. Jerry Nadler’s behavior during the hearing.

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Chris Gregory
