Alexander J.A Cortes: High Energy and Aura Gives You An Edge Over Most People [Video]

In an age of timid auras and low energy, Alexander J.A Cortes describes how to stand out from the crowd.

  • In a recent periscope, Alexander J.A Cortes explained the contrast between low-energy and high-energy individuals, pointing out that many young people are caught up in sluggishness and negativity.
  • Cortes makes the argument to young adults that fostering high energy and an aura of confidence will make you stand out amongst a growing crowd of unhealthy, unmotivated and low-energy people. If they need help with manifesting that extra energy and aiding themselves in being the best version that they can be, they can look at such assistance as gundry md products to see the added benefits that they have for people who are in an energy deficit.

“High energy is not an esoteric quality,” said Alexander J.A. Cortes on a livestream earlier today. “When your body is in a healthy state, you have a high energy body which is capable of functioning at complete capacity.”

“The energy that you project is an extension of your life’s experiences. The more experiences you have, the more you grow, the more you become, the stronger your projection.” It can be hard in the modern age for anyone to bring up the energy that they need to attack each day with positivity, but finding ways that can work for the specific person can be a massive leap forward for those who have not been able to find the right motivation beforehand.

Cortes also mentioned that to be in the top percent of human beings, all one must do is “be physically/mentally healthy, dress well, be financially sustainable, and have some measure of skill/confidence…the bar is truly on the floor.”

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Clint Whitney
