Acculturate Episode 10 – Art 404 & The American Culttture Waltz

Lev and Jules talk with Micah and Joe about their immersive VR animation short film "Hiraeth" and its technological, societal, and sovereign inspirations.

Lev & Jules talk “Hiraeth” with Micah and Joe
  • Micah and Joe discuss their immersive VR animation short film “Hiraeth”
  • They get into its technological, societal, and sovereign inspirations.
  • Great deep dive sweeping language, process, and intent connecting to pressing contemporary issues at the heart of some familiar subjects.

In this episode, Lev and Jules talk with Micah and Joe about their immersive VR animation short film “Hiraeth” and its technological, societal, and sovereign inspirations.

After an overview of their art and story, the group does a deep dive sweeping language, process, and intent connecting to pressing contemporary issues at the heart of some familiar subjects.

Learn more at:

You definitely don’t want to miss this one. Check out the full video interview above.

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Lev Polyakov

Jules Hamilton

To catch up on all episodes of Acculturate with Lev & Jules, click here to check out our playlist.

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