CNN’s Jake Tapper attacked cartoonist Ben Garrison on Saturday, repeating a claim that his cartoon displaying former National Security advisor H.R. McMaster as a puppet of George Soros was “blatantly anti-Semitic.”
Garrison has been invited to the White House for a social media summit with President Trump .
Time Magazine , HuffPost , and other media outlets also uncritically repeated the Anti-Defamation League (ADL ) claim that Garrison’s cartoon is anti-Semitic.
The idea that George Soros controlled McMaster is not only not anti-Semitic, it was reported by a high level Israeli intelligence source .
A rabbi wrote to Garrison expressing his support for Garrison’s work, writing, “Judaism is a religion, not a race, and evil heretics like Soros and the secularist Rothschild bankers have nothing to do with my community of faith.”
Here is the full letter from Rabbi Joseph Kolakowski :
“Dear Mr. Garrison, I just wanted to call you to congratulate you on your invitation to the White House. As a proud American and a practitioner of Judaism who tries to take my faith seriously, I want to encourage you to keep up the good fight and not worry when heretics call your art “anti-Semitic”. Judaism is a religion, not a race, and evil heretics like Soros and the secularist Rothschild bankers have nothing to do with my community of faith. The Left is trying to separate us, but what unites us as Americans is our freedom and liberty, and I fully support your First Amendment Rights, and I happen to agree with a lot of what you have to say. Please send warmest regards to our great President! God bless! Rabbi Joseph Kolakowski Grand Rabbi of Koblentz”
Another Jewish American, Gabe Hoffman , spoke up in defense of Garrison, and against the ADL. Hoffman, the producer of An Open Secret , explained how the ADL continues to promote a fake Garrison cartoon doctored to make the artist seem anti-Semitic.
Garrison himself told Culttture , “The socialist left uses name calling as a means to attack and to silence those who are onto the truth. I don’t care what Soros’ religion is—I criticize him for what he does.”
Of Jake Tapper, Garrison added, “He’s not just a hack reporter, but also a failed cartoonist who can’t stand to see us succeed.”
Below is one of Jake Tapper’s unpopular cartoons.
“They’re trying to smear Trump by attacking me. ‘Time,’ ‘The Daily Mail’ and several others wrote hit pieces on me,” said Garrison. “I ignored requests for interviews from the WaPo, Reuters, Vice and several others. Nowadays you can’t criticize Soros without getting called ‘anti-Semitic.’ They wouldn’t care at all about this if I weren’t going to the White House on Thursday.”
Garrison has been one of the most viral content creators for the MAGA movement since 2015. His book The 2016 Presidential Election Collection contains many of his most popular cartoons and his commentary on the 2016 election cycle that landed Donald Trump in the White House.
A popular Ben Garrison cartoon
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