Scott Adams Shares His Predictions After the Second Democrat Debate

In his book Win Bigly, Scott Adams states that “Persuasion can help you predict.” Adams correctly predicted the 2016 election of Donald Trump while the majority of pundits were stunned by the results.

After the second night of the first 2019 Democrat presidential candidate debates, Scott shared his predictions and opinions on Periscope.

His analysis:

  • There would be no male winners.
  • Elizabeth Warren won the first half of the debates and Kamala Harris won the second half.
  • Kamala would end up the DNC nominee. (Also he predicted this a year ago)

More from Adams’s Periscope and Twitter prediction outcomes of the 2020 election cycle so far:

  • Harris was the big winner.
  • Joe Biden was the biggest loser of the night.
  • Bernie Sanders broke even.
  • Andrew Yang failed to leave a mark.
  • Pete Buttigieg is not ready.
  • The rest, not so relevant.

Adams said during his Periscope that both Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden looked much older standing next to the younger presidential candidates in contrast, and that Kamala Harris’s break away moment was her “planned but perfectly delivered ‘Food on the table, not food fight line.'”

MORE: Scott Adams Declares the Winner of the First Democrat Debate

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Chris Gregory
